spUN Debates

spUN Debates Location

Coming Soon

Event Date and Time
Coming Soon

Experience the dynamic Space Policy and UNiversalization (spUN) Debates firsthand, an essential component of our conference agenda where student perspectives take center stage in an exploration the forefront of space policy and its global implications. This initiative assembles international student teams, providing them with a platform to draw on their in-depth knowledge of current space laws and issues to dissect the implications of emerging space policies and utilization strategies. Join us for an enlightening session where innovative ideas collide, and future leaders are born.

Other Events at ISDC 2025

Cocktail Receptions
ISDC Silent Auction
Kennedy Space Center Tour
Launchpad Talks
NSS Chapters Assembly
Planetary Defense Workshop
Rothblatt Business Plan Competition
Saturday Night Party
spUN Debates
Student Recognition Ceremony
Student Space Settlement Posters